Are you new to buying property or ready for the next land purchase? From simply homes on a acreage to large scale ranches, there are varied acreage size needs that lead us to ask how much land is enough? How much land you should plan to buy will be dependent on a number of factors, including your budget and the potential to find real estate that will suit your needs. Before you start checking out property listings, first decide on what you want from the property in the long run. After you make a property purchase, you don’t want to be standing in an area of your property regretting lack or room or the opposite; a waste of resources. To this, consider the following to help you plan for enough land.
Under An Acre
How many acres you need will impact your search when buying property. The prospect of less than an acre may seem counterintuitive to find real estate in the country, but depending on location, it may be all you need. In areas that have spectacular views, such as mountaintops, you may only have an acre of livable land available, with the rest comprised of mountainous terrain. In this case, why pay for more than an acre when your vistas make you feel like you’re on top of the world? With under an acre of land, you can craft a sustainable garden on your property, or include amenities like a pool.
A Couple of Acres
With a couple of acres, you have the opportunity to spread out a little more. For instance, if you’d like to open a work shop on your property, you can separate the work shop location from your residence. Additionally, a couple of acres will allow you to have a decent-sized garden, and depending on your municipality, you may be able to have a farm animal or two.
Five to Twenty Acres
Buying property with five to twenty acres can open you up to a lot of usage options from hobby farms, guest stays and retreats and mixed usage such as having a construction business plus small farm. How many acres you need will be dependent on factors like how many farm animals you want to have on your property, or what you want to use it for. If you want to have horses, the general rule of thumb is one acre per animal – so with five acres, you can comfortable have a barn of five. The reason for keeping this ratio is so that animals have ample room for livable space without being confined to their stalls, and so that the land itself has time to regenerate during periods of use.
Twenty Acres and More
When you get to over twenty acres, you have even more potential usages for your property; ranches, pastures, vineyards and large scale nurseries and guest properties can emerge! You’ll need to map our your operations and and ensure enough room to rotate the usage whether you are ranching or harvesting without draining your land’s resources. Again, if you’ll be including farm animals on your property, you want to make sure that you have accounted for how much land they will need separately from your other enterprises.
When it comes to buying country properties, you can get a lot of values. Not only do you get spacious homes to live in, but you can have land with so many uses! When planning to buy your country home, make sure your take the time to plan how much land you will need; and then, go get your dream property!